From time to time, when you make an in-app purchase (a HipstaPak) the gear you buy doesn't automatically download as expected. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but most often it's due to things like heavy server traffic or a less-than-solid network/wi-fi connection.
However, if the transaction itself was successful (that is, the purchase appears in your Apple iTunes ID purchase history and/or you received the email receipt from Apple) then that pak can always be downloaded manually.
In Hipstamatic 300-Series, there’s now a way to restore a single pak without having to run the entire Restore Purchases process.
Please start by making sure the Hipstamatic app is shut down. (no need to reinstall… just do a safe shut down and relaunch the app)
Once you've relaunched the app, go into the Hipstamart (the shopping cart icon) and tap on the My Gear link.
Then tap on the My Paks link. On that screen, just scroll down until you find the pak you bought. Just tap the cloud icon next to it and it’ll install it for you.
That *should* resolve the problem in most cases. However, if the pak doesn't download, or isn't appearing on your My Paks page, please let us know and we'll be happy to help you get that pak downloaded. Please email us at: